“Highest quality gemstones with own jewelry production”

There aren’t many jewelry salons in Mui Ne where you can be sure of the authenticity and high quality of the jewels. One of the best jewelry salons is “Svetlana”, well known to Mui Ne guests for many years. The secrets of their success are the exceptional honesty of the salon owner Svetlana.

Our shop

If you are hearing about Svetlana for the first time, get acquainted!

She speaks Russian fluently, as she graduated from a university in Krasnodar with a degree in “Philology”, and lived in Russia for many years working as a translator. But the main thing is that Svetlana is from that generation of Soviet people when honesty and decency were the norm and an unconditional standard of life. These principles are very important and very rare now, especially in trade, especially in jewelry. Over the years in the jewelry business, Svetlana’s customers have been thousands, tens of thousands of tourists. And not a single complaint about the quality of gemstones during all this time! How unlike those who trade jewelry on the assumption that you can sell anything at all – after all, the tourist will leave and not return. They will return! – says Svetlana, showing a voluminous book of orders and thanks. People check the quality of gemstones in Russia, and draw conclusions. You can look at reviews about Svetlana on the internet.

Svetlana’s special pride is genuine Vietnamese sapphires

which are cleaner Svetlana’s special pride is genuine Vietnamese sapphires, which are cleaner and more beautiful than most Thai ones sold everywhere in Mui Ne. The fact is that there are now a lot of “dead” sapphires in the jewelry market, that is, opaque and not refracting light – and this is the main property of a precious stone! Such sapphires undergo a special thermal treatment in Thailand to give them a deep blue color, which does not increase the value of the stone at all.

Svetlana has her own jewelry production

where dozens of professional masters work! It is they who turn heaps of sapphires, topazes, emeralds, rubies, pearls and diamonds and ingots of silver, gold and platinum into thousands of beautiful jewelry pieces. It is very convenient that if the jewelry you liked did not fit in size, or you want to see it with other stones, the request will be fulfilled within 2-3 days. A unique service is also the order of jewelry from catalogs. You can come up with any idea, choose any stones, and the price of work will be exactly the same as for a ready-made product on the display. By the way, pay attention to the showcase with designer jewelry in the style of BVLGARY, Roberto Coin. Even if you don’t need jewelry now – just come and admire! And if you want to leave Vietnam with quality jewelry, be sure to visit the “Svetlana” jewelry salons.

And more. In the “Svetlana” shopping house, which is located at 55 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, not only jewelry is sold. We advise you to take a closer look at coffee and winter clothes, the choice is simply huge, and the prices are excellent!